The video shared by Dr. Prasad about Khan academy are provided below :-
The videos tells about Khan academy, teaching methodology adopted and how it has benefited the society. Salman Khan, the brain behind Khan academy is a MIT and Harvard graduate. If applied he could have gone for any of the blue chip company but instead he decided to serve people. He placed social welfare of people above his vested interests. The following video explains the vision of Khan academy :
It all started when Salman Khan began teaching his cousin maths lessons. On requests of other cousins he decided to share the same on youtube. After it was shared, the kind of response it received was overwhelming and the feedback that Mr Khan received was that this kind of pedagogy is much more efficient then the conventional classroom teaching. Thus Khan academy was created with a vision to provide education anytime anywhere and to anybody.
Khan academy is a live example wherein we can see that its only the passion and willingness to work that counts, rest everything follow the suit. Khan academy never faced any crisis monetary wise. They have lot of people supporting the cause in fact the supporter base is growing at a very rapid rate. This imply that if you have noble cause every one will support you.
A study suggested that online teaching is very effective as compared to regular classroom teaching. People or rather children will prefer online teaching if given a chance over routine class room teaching. The rationale behind it is that it more flexible, you can rewind it in case you have not understood something. It gives them freedom to learn things the way they want. This can be applied to a manager in a company. The manager if provide freedom to his subordinate to work on his own then who knows the employee may come out with a revelation. If given this independence the employee will love working in the company and his productivity will also increase. This can be taken as case of Theory Y managers.
People are ready to accept new innovations. These days E commerce is in demand. E commerce websites are doing more business then the ones with regular business model. Thus a manager must always look for new innovations which can be helpful to the society at large. When we see Khan academy it has a global reach. The only prerequisite is internet connection. If you have internet connection you can access Khan academy free of cost. The donation which Khan academy receives is from various parts of the world. Consider the situation in India where we don't have enough teachers to teach our ever increasing population, Khan academy is as good as God gift for the development of the country. Globalisation has played a vital role in Khan academy's success. The funds may be coming from developed countries but the prime users would be in developing countries who on their own might not have afforded that comfort.
We can see that innovation today is demand of society. Lot of companies are coming with new ideas and spending more and more research and development. Here is link to list of some of the world's most innovative companies in 2011 :
Under Education category, Khan academy is ranked 3rd among world's most innovative companies.
Learning from Khan academy
As the saying goes "education gives the best returns". The concept of E learning has revolutionised the society in such a way that various universities are adopting the same.
The above mentioned links are for Harvard and MIT only with lot of other universities introducing the same for the benefit of the society. Salman Khan took a bold decision to to become an entrepreneur foregoing high paying MNC job. It was his confidence, can do attitude and passion to help society that has led him to a position where he is. We should be focused in whatever endeavors we do, we should take the hiccups as challenges and should always strive to achieve the target. In short Goals are to be set first then means of achieving those goals are to be deliberated.
In the end I would like to share one video of a courier company in which 99% employees are deaf.
The videos tells about Khan academy, teaching methodology adopted and how it has benefited the society. Salman Khan, the brain behind Khan academy is a MIT and Harvard graduate. If applied he could have gone for any of the blue chip company but instead he decided to serve people. He placed social welfare of people above his vested interests. The following video explains the vision of Khan academy :
It all started when Salman Khan began teaching his cousin maths lessons. On requests of other cousins he decided to share the same on youtube. After it was shared, the kind of response it received was overwhelming and the feedback that Mr Khan received was that this kind of pedagogy is much more efficient then the conventional classroom teaching. Thus Khan academy was created with a vision to provide education anytime anywhere and to anybody.
Khan academy is a live example wherein we can see that its only the passion and willingness to work that counts, rest everything follow the suit. Khan academy never faced any crisis monetary wise. They have lot of people supporting the cause in fact the supporter base is growing at a very rapid rate. This imply that if you have noble cause every one will support you.
A study suggested that online teaching is very effective as compared to regular classroom teaching. People or rather children will prefer online teaching if given a chance over routine class room teaching. The rationale behind it is that it more flexible, you can rewind it in case you have not understood something. It gives them freedom to learn things the way they want. This can be applied to a manager in a company. The manager if provide freedom to his subordinate to work on his own then who knows the employee may come out with a revelation. If given this independence the employee will love working in the company and his productivity will also increase. This can be taken as case of Theory Y managers.
People are ready to accept new innovations. These days E commerce is in demand. E commerce websites are doing more business then the ones with regular business model. Thus a manager must always look for new innovations which can be helpful to the society at large. When we see Khan academy it has a global reach. The only prerequisite is internet connection. If you have internet connection you can access Khan academy free of cost. The donation which Khan academy receives is from various parts of the world. Consider the situation in India where we don't have enough teachers to teach our ever increasing population, Khan academy is as good as God gift for the development of the country. Globalisation has played a vital role in Khan academy's success. The funds may be coming from developed countries but the prime users would be in developing countries who on their own might not have afforded that comfort.
We can see that innovation today is demand of society. Lot of companies are coming with new ideas and spending more and more research and development. Here is link to list of some of the world's most innovative companies in 2011 :
Under Education category, Khan academy is ranked 3rd among world's most innovative companies.
Learning from Khan academy
As the saying goes "education gives the best returns". The concept of E learning has revolutionised the society in such a way that various universities are adopting the same.
The above mentioned links are for Harvard and MIT only with lot of other universities introducing the same for the benefit of the society. Salman Khan took a bold decision to to become an entrepreneur foregoing high paying MNC job. It was his confidence, can do attitude and passion to help society that has led him to a position where he is. We should be focused in whatever endeavors we do, we should take the hiccups as challenges and should always strive to achieve the target. In short Goals are to be set first then means of achieving those goals are to be deliberated.
In the end I would like to share one video of a courier company in which 99% employees are deaf.